Welcome to Summerlyn HOA

Summerlyn is a single-family home community of 279 homes located in the City of Columbus, served by the Galloway post office. Each homeowner agreed to abide by the Declaration of Covenants and Bylaws when the closing documents were signed and each homeowner is a member of the homeowners' association. You, the homeowners are the HOA.

The HOA elects 3 members to serve on the Board of Directors each year. The Board administers affairs of the HOA, establishes policies and rules, enforces homeowner deed restrictions set forth in the bylaws, conducts an annual meeting and election, awards contracts, establishes the annual operating budget and HOA fees, as well as other duties outlined in Ohio's Planned Community Act.

Summerlyn does not have an office or staff.  The Board has contracted with Towne Properties Management Company to handle day-to-day operations.  Towne Properties is responsible for our accounts payable/receivable, monthly property inspections, community mailings, tax preparations, maintaining financial records, retaining records of approved alterations made to each home, and other management services the Board may request.

This area has the most diverse population in Franklin County, so we have added the Google Translate feature for visitors to translate the website's text into another language automatically. This is especially useful for residents who speak multiple languages. The Google Translate tab appears in the bottom-right-hand corner of the website for laptops and desktops.